Galdara elektrikoa

Our electric boilers adopt the latest water and electricity separation heating technology and one-time casting aluminum forming process, effectively eliminating the risk of electrical leakage. The thermal efficiency reaches an impressive 98%. Equipped with a wide voltage control board and multiple layers of safety protection, they ensure safe and reliable operation. Powered by electricity, its installation is not constrained by external conditions, making for a quick and easy setup.
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{Hitz gakoa} merkean handizkako salmenta Zhongshan Gastek Etxetresna Elektrikoaren Konpainia Limitatuan izan daiteke. Ongi etorri deskontu berriena eta aurreratuena {gako-hitza} gure fabrikatik erostera; gure produktuek CE ziurtagiria dute; prezio baxuak eta zentzuzko prezioa eska diezazkizuegu.
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